You are invited to attend the upcoming PA membership meeting to hear from Chief Justice Cheri Beasley and to discuss changes to the bylaws that will affect eligibility to participate in PA PAC endorsement meetings. These proposed changes to the PA membership and endorsement process are available on the PA blog.
Chief Justice Cheri Beasley to address People’s Alliance
North Carolina Chief Justice Cheri Beasley will address members of the People’s Alliance and People’s Alliance PAC on Monday, April 22 at Motorco (723 Rigsbee Ave in Durham) at 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30). Membership meetings of the People’s Alliance and People’s Alliance PAC will follow to consider changes to the PA bylaws and the rules governing PA PAC endorsement meetings (see below for details on the five proposed changes under consideration). There will also be an election for PA PAC coordinators to serve two-year terms (through the 2020 election cycle).
About Chief Justice Cheri Beasley
Chief Justice Cheri Beasley began her 20-year judicial career as a District Court judge in Cumberland County, North Carolina in 1999. After ten years of service, she was elected to serve as an Associate Judge on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. She was then appointed by Governor Perdue to fill the vacancy on the North Carolina Supreme Court created by the retirement of Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson in 2012.
In the Supreme Court’s 200-year history, Chief Justice Beasley is the eighth woman and only the second African-American woman to serve on the Court. With her appointment by Governor Cooper in March 2019, Beasley became the first African-American woman to serve as Chief Justice of the state’s highest Court.
Who may attend and vote on these changes
Only members of the People’s Alliance may attend and vote at the meeting. All current and paid-up PA members are eligible to vote and there is no restriction period for newly-joined members. All memberships expire at the beginning of each calendar year. If you have not renewed your membership for 2019, you can renew online or at the door. To avoid a long renewal line, all members are encouraged to join online in advance of the meeting.

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