Sign the petition; contact your elected officials!
Please mark your calendar for the BOCC hearing on July 26th at 7:00 p.m., 200 East Main Street, Second Floor (Old Courthouse)
The County Commissioners needs to see YOU and hear from YOU (can thousands of Durham voices be louder than these developers?)
The 751 Assemblage (rezoning case number Z0800003 -changing land from rural to mixed use) is a $500 million, high-density residential and commercial project proposed for 165 acres of land in the environmentally sensitive land adjacent to Jordan Lake.
URGENT ACTION IS REQUIRED! The Board of County Commissioners needs to hear from you today! Click here to find out more about how you can help stop this wrongly-located development! And sign our petition!
Please mark your calendar for the BOCC hearing on July 26th at 7:00 p.m., 200 East Main Street, Second Floor (Old Courthouse)
The County Commissioners needs to see YOU and hear from YOU (can thousands of Durham voices be louder than these developers?)
The 751 Assemblage (rezoning case number Z0800003 -changing land from rural to mixed use) is a $500 million, high-density residential and commercial project proposed for 165 acres of land in the environmentally sensitive land adjacent to Jordan Lake.
URGENT ACTION IS REQUIRED! The Board of County Commissioners needs to hear from you today! Click here to find out more about how you can help stop this wrongly-located development! And sign our petition!
PA Quarterly Membership Meeting
Please mark your calendar for the upcoming Membership Meeting. The PA Housing Committee will bring present a proposal for support of a Rental Inspection Program to ensure that all rental homes meet the Minimum Housing Code in the City of Durham.
The meeting will be held Monday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m.
The Kings Daughters Inn
204 North Buchanan Boulevard
The meeting will be held Monday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m.
The Kings Daughters Inn
204 North Buchanan Boulevard
PA members passed a resolution on electronic billboards
PA members passed a resolution on electronic billboards
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Specifically, it calls on the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners to oppose any changes to the UDO that would allow for electronic billboards.
WHEREAS electronic billboards waste energy, pose safety challenges for nighttime drivers, and reduce the quality of life in affected neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS federal law requires that if citizens of Durham ever decided to remove billboards, we would have to reimburse the billboard company for the cost of the billboard, and
WHEREAS Durham would also have to reimburse the billboard company for any future revenue the billboards would generate, and
WHEREAS if electronic billboards are allowed, we could never afford to remove them; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Durham People's Alliance opposes the billboard industry's efforts to change our ordinance to allow electronic billboards in Durham, and be it further
RESOLVED that Durham People's Alliance opposes any changes to the current language of the UDO related to billboards, especially that language related to the relocation or renovation of billboards beyond what is currently permitted, and be it further
RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be speedily transmitted to the City and County Managers, and to members of the City Council and Board of County Commissioners, as well as to the news media and other interested parties.
Adopted by the membership of the Durham People's Alliance
January 13, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Specifically, it calls on the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners to oppose any changes to the UDO that would allow for electronic billboards.
WHEREAS electronic billboards waste energy, pose safety challenges for nighttime drivers, and reduce the quality of life in affected neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS federal law requires that if citizens of Durham ever decided to remove billboards, we would have to reimburse the billboard company for the cost of the billboard, and
WHEREAS Durham would also have to reimburse the billboard company for any future revenue the billboards would generate, and
WHEREAS if electronic billboards are allowed, we could never afford to remove them; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Durham People's Alliance opposes the billboard industry's efforts to change our ordinance to allow electronic billboards in Durham, and be it further
RESOLVED that Durham People's Alliance opposes any changes to the current language of the UDO related to billboards, especially that language related to the relocation or renovation of billboards beyond what is currently permitted, and be it further
RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be speedily transmitted to the City and County Managers, and to members of the City Council and Board of County Commissioners, as well as to the news media and other interested parties.
Adopted by the membership of the Durham People's Alliance
January 13, 2009