Junior Activist Pizza Party - December 2nd

Durham People's Alliance wants to thank all those out there who aren't old enough to vote, but were old enough to Get Out the Vote and help mobilize people in and around Durham Against the Amendment and FOR our endorsed candidates.

Do you know kids who helped stuff envelopes, Ran With the Bulls with Race to the Ballot, pass out yard signs, work the polls, talk to friends about the elections (in both May and November)? Then they're invited.

We'll have pizza and drinks, face painting, DJ's and other fun planned. We want these kids to know that even though they cannot vote, there is work they can do to help build a progressive Durham, NC and USA! CLICK HERE TO RSVP AND SHARE ON FACEBOOK!

Sunday, December 2nd  from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Motorco Garage (723 Rigsbee).

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