SpiritHouse NC is kicking off its second Durham city-wide book study to explore and address systemic racism, gentrification, and divided communities in Durham. The book for this round is Urban Alchemy: Restoring Joy in America’s Sorted-Out Cities by Dr. Mindi Fullilove. Join PA members and friends in talking about what the ideas in this book mean for the city where we live. How has Durham been “sorted out” by urban renewal and gentrification? What can we do together to restore and renew our city in alignment with principles of social and racial justice?
Pick up a copy of the book at The Regulator. And join us for three discussion sessions:
Wednesdays from 7PM - 8:30PM
October 7
You will be contacted by our facilitators regarding location and tools that help apply the book to Durham's context.
To find out more about the ideas in the book visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Nv1h9Lf3M
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