Call to action: Support PA's City/County Budget Advocacy!

At a time of great uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic, public officials at both the city and county levels in Durham continue to work to complete their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year 2020-2021. Since early in the year, PA (led by its action teams and board) has been advocating for the inclusion of several specific budget requests that support our vision of a just, equitable, and inclusive community where all people thrive. These requests include additional funding for rental assistance and eviction diversion, added support for race equity, a proposal for county-wide property tax assistance for low-income homeowners, expanded investments in environmental sustainability, and a living wage for all Durham Public Schools (DPS) employees.

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Uplifting More COVID-19 Responses & Resources

People's Alliance Members -- 

PA has signed onto several important platforms calling for a just, progressive response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please sign on yourself and share widely!

Resources for the Durham community

PA is also continuing to uplift important resources for our community members in need as well as ways to provide mutual aid. This week, we’re highlighting important resources and mutual aid for Durham families with kids, nonprofits, and small businesses.

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Support Durham workers, living-wage employers, and small businesses during COVID-19

PA Members -- 

As information and decisions change rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic, please know that PA will continue to be here for you. During this crisis, more folks are becoming aware and angry about unjust policies harming our most vulnerable populations, igniting a passion to advocate for things like paid sick leave, expansion of unemployment assistance, and equitable access to healthcare.

As such, we plan to continue to uplift important resources for our community members in need as well as ways to provide mutual aid. This week, we’re highlighting important resources and ways you can support Durham workers, living-wage employers, and small businesses. 

Please read on and share this information widely.

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