PA Announces 2021 City and County Budget Priorities

Over recent months, People's Alliance action team members have worked together with the PA Board of Directors and community partners to create a set of budget recommendations for Durham City and Durham County's coming fiscal year. Our members work towards our vision of a just, equitable, and inclusive community where all people thrive in several interconnected areas — economic justice, education, housing, environmental justice, and race equity. These funding priorities offer a way for the city and county to address multiple issues at once as part of a just COVID-19 recovery. 

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We won $15/hr! Now for a real living wage.

People's Alliance has been fighting for living wages in our community since 1997, when we helped to secure passage of the first municipal living wage ordinance in NC by the Durham City Council. This week, we — following the leadership of the Durham Association of Educators and with other partners like Durham for All and Durham Beyond Policing — helped secure another win for economic justice: the Durham Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously Monday night to make a $15/hour minimum wage for school workers retroactive to July 2020. We sent this note of thanks to our county commissioners and are sharing it here, too.

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Remove or Resign

As a community, we experienced a rollercoaster of historic emotions and events this past week.

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