Why are we proposing updates? The PA vision statement has served the organization well for many years. In 2017, the PA board reviewed the vision statement and decided that some revisions would allow it to more fully encompass all areas we focus on in our work today - including adding a more explicit commitment to dismantling structural racism and other forms of oppression. The board also believes that adding a mission statement, which PA does not currently have, could help clarify how we go about pursuing our vision.
What is the process for making for updates? The board has drafted a mission statement and updated vision statement. We are asking for PA members to provide feedback on this draft and help us refine it so that it reflects the values that should guide PA's work. Please use this form to sign-up to attend a gathering to provide feedback on the draft vision and mission statement. We will hold several sessions to gather PA member input and will make revisions to the vision and mission statement based on the feedback we receive (more opportunities for feedback will be added if there is interest). We'll update the membership on next steps over the coming months. Finalizing the vision and mission statement will be contingent on a full membership vote at a future membership meeting. Please email Magan Thigpen (PA Board, Co-President) with any questions or concerns: [email protected].
Our Vision for Durham as a Model Progressive Community
We believe in a just, equitable and inclusive Durham where all people can live well. This will be possible when everyone:
Works to dismantle structural racism and other forms of oppression, including sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia and homophobia.
Supports and advocates for the rights of LGBTQ people
Benefits from strong public education
Votes, stays informed and advocates for how we want our elected officials to act
Can support themselves and their families on full-time employment with living wages
Advocates for workers’ rights to organize for their collective interests
Lives in quality and affordable housing and are not displaced from their neighborhoods as a result of gentrification.
Has access to quality and affordable healthcare, transportation, nutritious food and other basic needs that we all require to lead full lives
Embraces those who come here as immigrants or refugees as full members of our community
Can breathe clean air, drink clean water and enjoy a variety of natural environments
Lives free of fear from all forms of violence, including state sanctioned violence
Embraces the truth that there is enough for all
Our Mission
We work to advance this vision for Durham as a model progressive community by:
Engaging with Durham’s elected officials and holding them accountable 365 days a year
Advocating for just, equitable and inclusive policies and practices
Educating and building the capacity of Durhamites to be progressive activists who:
1. Show up for direct action
2. Advocate for progressive elected officials, policies & practices
3. Promote change within their spheres of influence
4. Educate others on causes aligned to our vision
What we want our community to be like: A community can be more than a place where people live. It can be a place where people live well. We are committed to a community where all basic needs are met and each individual has the opportunity for a life of accomplishment, dignity and pride.
We envision our community, from local to global, as one which follows these principles:
Community Guarantee of Basic Needs. Our economy will provide full employment in safe workplace. In our community there will be affordable housing, health care, public transportation, quality childcare and education for our children, nutritious food available at reasonable prices, and recreational and cultural opportunities open to all. The cost of providing for basic needs will be distributed fairly within the community.
Celebration of Diversity. Our community will be a place where the perspectives of diverse groups such as different races, economic classes, genders, religious perspectives, sexual orientation, ages, and abilities, are respected. There will be an atmosphere of tolerance, good humor, and recognition of diverse cultural values.
Stewardship. Our economy will encourage local self-sufficiency through the use of renewable resources of both energy and goods. We will maintain clean air, water and a variety of natural environments.
Local Decision-Making. Citizens will participate in democratic decision-making within our neighborhoods and community. People affected by decisions will play a major role in those decisions.
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