PA Hosts Progressive Forum - February 28th at Motorco

Want to socialize with like-minded citizens while learning more about progressive issues that are affecting our city and state?

Then come to PA’s first “Fun Forum” of the year on February 28 at 6:30pm at Motorco.

Sandy Darity, Gene Nichol, Rob Schofield, and Jeff Ward,  will join us to discuss our first topic: “Economic Inequality and the Economy.”

Others will join us and offer their expertise on this topic, we'll have a legislative update, a time for questions and answers, and most importantly, the opportunity for you to socialize and connect with fellow progressives who are interested in and concerned about these issues.

CLICK TO RSVP ON FACEBOOK! We look forward to seeing you there!

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Future “Fun Forum” topics include:

- Free and Fair Public Education

- Water and Food

- Pre-K and the Economy



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