Tonight, 12/03, the Durham Human Relations Commission will be meeting at 7:00PM in the 2nd floor committee room at Durham City Hall to discuss racial disparities in stops and searches by the Durham Police Department. The Southern Coalition for Social Justice had a great write-up on the November meeting of the commission with some startling statistics. Despite representing just 17.4% of the city population, black men constitute nearly two-thirds (65.2%) of all persons searched during traffic stops. Please show up at Durham City Hall and let the commission know that you will not stand for such racial disparities in policing!
On 12/07 from 9AM-1PM at Watts St. Baptist Church, Durham CAN is offering a Leadership Development Training with beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. This is a wonderful opportunity to brush up your organizing skills! Please contact their office at 919-403-7082 to RSVP for this training.
And on 12/15, you are invited to join our Education team as they attend 'The Best of Enemies' at Manbites Dog Theatre. Please click the link to RSVP and join our Education folks for this play about the desegregation of the Durham school system.
Thanks for joining us at these events!
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