January Membership Meeting

We are excited to announce our January membership meeting. This is a great opportunity to find out more about what we have planned for this year, and to learn how you can get more involved with our efforts. This January's meeting will highlight growing economic inequality in Durham, and will feature the efforts of our Economic Inequality Action Team to address the issue.

Durham People's Alliance January Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 30, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Center for Responsible Lending (302 W. Main St., Durham 27701)

The event will start with a reception at 6:30PM, and the program will start at 7:00PM. Please click here to RSVP for the January membership meeting today!

We will have refreshments, updates on our other work, and the following panel speakers: 
  • Allan Freyer, NC Justice Center
  • Meg Wiehe, Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy
  • Peter Skillern, Reinvestment Partners
  • Kevin Dick, City of Durham, Office of Economic and Workforce Development
It is not required to be a member to attend the January membership meeting, but our memberships provide half of our operating budget for the year. Please help keep Durham progressive by clicking here and renewing your membership with a monthly donation today!

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