Proposed language for updating PA's vision & mission statement

People's Alliance will hold a Progressive Issues Forum (PIF) & Membership Meeting on August 8th from 6:30-8pm at The Episcopal Center at Duke, 505 Alexander Ave. During the membership meeting, we will vote on the revised PA Vision & Mission statement.

In May we announced that PA is updating our vision statement and adding a mission statement to ensure that these fully communicate to the community why PA exists and what we do and serve us internally to prioritize and guide our work. Over the past several months members have provided feedback on these documents at in-person feedback sessions.
During this meeting, members will vote on adopting the new vision & mission statement language - see proposed language below. Since we have been gathering member feedback on this over the past few months, we do not plan to take edits during this meeting. If the language is not approved, we can vote to either gather additional feedback and refine the statements further or keep our current vision statement
Draft People's Alliance vision & mission statement - up for membership vote on Aug. 8

OUR VISION for a Model Progressive Community

We believe in a just, equitable and inclusive community where all people can thrive. This will be possible when everyone:

  • Works to dismantle structural racism and other forms of oppression, including sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia and homophobia;

  • Supports and advocates for the rights of LGBTQ people;

  • Benefits from  effective public education;

  • Votes, stays informed and advocates for the policies we want our elected officials to implement;

  • Can support themselves and their families on full-time employment with living wages;

  • Advocates for workers’ rights to organize for their collective interests;

  • Supports economic justice with a fair, progressive tax system and thriving local businesses;

  • Lives in quality and affordable housing and are not displaced from their neighborhoods as a result of gentrification;

  • Has access to quality and affordable healthcare, childcare, transportation, nutritious food and other basic needs that we all require to lead full lives;

  • Embraces those who come here as immigrants or refugees as full members of our community;

  • Can breathe clean air, drink clean water and enjoy our natural environment;

  • Lives free from fear of all forms of violence, including state-sanctioned violence; and

  • Embraces the truth that there are enough resources in our community for all people to prosper.


How we work toward our vision 

We work to advance this vision for Durham as a model progressive community by:

  • Building a multi-racial, multi-class coalition;

  • Working in solidarity with other progressive groups;

  • Engaging with Durham’s elected officials and holding them accountable 365 days a year;

  • Developing and advocating for just, equitable and inclusive policies, practices and budgets;

  • Developing progressive leaders; and

  • Educating and building the capacity of Durhamites to be progressive activists who:

1. Vote and show up for direct action

2. Advocate for progressive elected officials, policies & practices

3. Promote change within their spheres of influence

4. Educate others on causes aligned to our vision


Showing 2 reactions

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  • Susan E Goodman Bendich
    commented 2017-08-07 12:36:36 -0400
    I wrote a response to the Mission statement a while back, stressing my unhappiness with the
    failure to mention disability rights etc.. I received a reply suggesting I contact Megan Thigpen.
    I wrote her an email. No reply. Now what?

    Please call me at: 917-690-8321 to discuss.
    Thank you.
    Susan Goodman
    [email protected]
  • Lanya Shapiro
    commented 2017-07-21 18:56:01 -0400
    I love the new mission and vision statements! Thank you to all who have invested time and energy — it shows.


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