Help Us Pack The Bus

Help Us Pack The Bus To The April 24th
Poor People’s Campaign
Moral Monday 10-Year Anniversary and Recommitment Rally
NC State Capitol - 1 E. Morgan Street, Raleigh, NC
Calling all justice-loving North Carolinians to Raleigh on the last Monday in April for a Moral Monday Ten-Year Anniversary and Recommitment Rally! Ten years ago, seventeen North Carolinians walked into the NC General Assembly to bear witness to the immoral attacks on the most vulnerable residents of our state. Soon thousands came together at our legislature and informed a new vision for our state. The movement went on to see one of the largest direct action campaigns at a state legislature in US history, with over 1,000 people arrested while demanding North Carolina’s leaders do right by its people.
Ten years later, the leadership of the NC General Assembly is still hell-bent on scape-goating some of us to distract from their agenda to consolidate power and money in fewer and fewer hands. Already the NCGA has passed laws criminalizing protests and organizers, stripping protections from poor families who have resorted to hotels for shelter and making it easier to get a gun. And the attacks are only going to get worse as the session continues this spring. Some things are still bigger than Republican and Democrat or Left and Right. We are coming back to Raleigh to demand our leaders govern from the moral center and from our state constitution’s mandate for “the good of the whole.”
Join us for this rally of recommitment to restore and realize the promises of our democracy. Ten years ago, we stood together, withstood some of the most extreme attacks on democracy since Jim Crow, made significant change and helped bring North Carolina new leadership and moral vision. Let’s stand together again and continue to build a People’s Moral Fusion Movement in North Carolina for the next decade to come.
Ann Rebeck published this page 2023-04-10 10:39:44 -0400