Join or Renew Your Individual PA Membership!

One-Time Membership Dues

  • Individual membership: one-time payment of $50 or more a year
  • Students & those facing economic hardship: one-time payment of $10 (select ‘other' in the donation form and enter $10 to select this rate)
  • You may also pay your membership dues in the form of volunteer hours. Contact us at [email protected] to volunteer.

To pay by check, make payable to People’s Alliance, P.O. Box 2935, Durham, NC 27715. Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

Membership Terms

The People’s Alliance memberships are for one year. We are accepting renewals for 2025 starting on November 1. New memberships will start on January 1, 2025. Please use THIS link if you would like to start a monthly donation.

If you renew in November or December of the previous year this will count toward the following year's membership.

People’s Alliance is a 501(c)(4) organization. Therefore, any donations to the organization are not tax deductible.


1. Amount


2. Your information

Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

paid annually


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