New Mission and Vision



We envision an inclusive Durham with fair social and economic conditions. Each person and family will have the same rights and access to services that they need to thrive.  Durham will lead the state and nation by partnering, energizing, and supporting progressive policy goals.



Integrity: Staying focused on our work and having an impact in Durham. Acting true to our values and doing the right thing even when difficult.

Collaboration: Shared responsibility to the whole, both internally and externally

Honesty, Transparency & proactive communication: Lean into difficult conversations and ensure that everyone has access to information

Inclusivity & Accessibility: We aim to create an organization where people across differences in race, class, gender/sexuality, generations  and religion, feel included, valued, and welcomed.

Celebrate & Embrace Joy: Seek opportunities to celebrate our community and each other.

Justice/Fairness: Seeking to build towards a world and reality where anti-racism, social and economic justice, compassion, love for one’s neighbor is the foundation not the goal


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  • Ann Rebeck
    published this page in Blog 2023-08-13 15:11:35 -0400


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