My Brooklyn Film Screening
The Durham Library System will be hosting a film screening of "My Brooklyn: The Real Story Behind the Gentrification of America's Hippest City“ followed by a discussion titled "Gentrification or Economic Growth: Good or Bad?”
Read moreAffordable Housing Action - August 7th
On August 7, we need you to encourage County and City leaders to fund planning for affordable homes around transit. Now is the time to plan homes that are affordable to Durham residents of all incomes, especially residents who need transit to get to work, school, doctors, etc. We want to ensure that lower income workers, students, and people who are disabled, elderly, homeless, unemployed, and veterans can afford homes near transit.
What: Joint City-County Planning Committee meeting
When: Wed. Aug 7, 9:30am
Where: City Hall, 2nd floor, 110 City Hall Plaza
(click for Facebook Invite)
To get involved in our housing group, please contact:
Lorisa Seibel, [email protected]
July Newsletter
From filling buses headed to Raleigh for Moral Monday to working for Economic Equality in the City tax code, PA is hard at work pushing for our progressive values in our community and state. Continue reading for updates on our Action Teams, important meeting dates, and more. Have a PA story to tell for our next newsletter? Let us know!
Action Items: Affordable Housing in Durham
The newly energized PA Housing Workgroup has two urgent action items for members and supporters. See below for additional ways to get involved with the Housing group and their upcoming calendar of action.
ACTION ITEM #1 - Ask City Council & County Commission to add staff to plan affordable housing around transit stations.
Contact County Commissioners about Action Item #1. [email protected]
Contact City Council about Action Items #1 & 2: [email protected]
Below is a message for you to edit as you wish.
Dear City Council & County Commission Members:
In your FY13-14 budgets, please add Planning staff to work with the community to plan affordable homes around transit stations. Now is the time to plan to preserve and build quality affordable homes near proposed transit. Residents who are disabled, elderly, or working families need affordable homes near transit to get to work, school, and medical care. Durham is required to do these plans to get state funds for transit. The cost of additional Planning staff would come from fees, not taxes. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
ACTION ITEM #2: Ask City Council to fund supportive homes for residents with special needs (extremely low income, disabled, or homeless).
Contact City Council about Action Item #1 & 2: [email protected]
Dear City Council Members:
This year, please budget at least $768,000 for supportive homes for residents with special needs. Quality homes are needed for extremely low income people who are disabled or homeless. Homes with support services will serve disabled veterans and chronically homeless residents. Funding of at least $750,000/year will help us reach our goal of ending homelessness in Durham. Thank you for your consideration.
Next Housing Workgroup Meeting: Thursday, May 23, 12:00noon-1:30pm, at Reinvestment Partners, 110 E. Geer St., 27701 (overflow parking on Mangum St. in front of Mike's Transmission).
Durham CAN Team meetings: Thursday, May 30, Eno Rive Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4907 Garrett Rd., 27707.
City Council Budget Hearing: Monday June 3, 7:00pm, City Hall.
County Commission Budget Hearing: Monday, June 10, 7:00pm, County Commission Chambers.
PA Newsletter - April/May 2013
Click here for the People's Alliance latest newsletter newsletter. April/May news includes important upcoming dates, Housing Action, and updates on PA and Durham CAN priorities.
PA Recomends Supportive Housing to End Homlessness
People's Alliance housing work group will present PA's letter of recommendation for supportive housing to end homelessness in Durham to the City Council at their public hearing on April 15, and to the County Commission's hearing on April 22.
To join our housing work group, please contact us! [email protected]
To join our housing work group, please contact us! [email protected]
Housing Committee Hosts "Lunch and Learn" April 19th
Pack a lunch and come learn about affordable housing and transit!
This meeting will take place on April 19th from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Center for Responsible Lending, 302 West Main Street.
The PA Housing Work Group is hosting an information session on regional fixed guideway transit plans and implications and opportunities for affordable housing in walking distance from proposed stations.
This meeting will take place on April 19th from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Center for Responsible Lending, 302 West Main Street.
Newsletter February/March 2013
What a Difference a Decade Makes! Read a message from our PA Co-Presidents, take our member survey and read about upcoming committee work.
PA Statement on Penny for Housing and Five Year Housing Plan
On June 4th, PA joined with Durham CAN to advocate for increased funding in support of city-wide affordable housing for Durham’s most vulnerable residents and to applaud the City Council for dedicating a Penny for Housing in the FY2013 budget.
In the weeks leading up to the June 4th City Council meeting, members of PA’s Housing Committee met one on one with several City Council members to review and discuss draft versions of the City’s five-year housing budget. After reviewing early versions for how the City proposed to spend funds generated by the Penny, Housing Committee members were concerned that the plan did not allocate enough funds to support those families and individuals in greatest need of housing in our community.
Based on recommendations from the Housing Committee, PA’s Coordinating Committee requested that the City Council increase funds in the five-year housing budget for the following areas:
For good accountability to taxpayers, PA also requested that the Penny be set aside with other dedicated funds in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with oversight by the Citizens Capital Improvement Panel (CCIP). PA also encouraged the City Council to involve the Durham community in developing a five-year plan for the Penny and other housing funds.
To learn more about the work of PA’s Housing Committee or read the full statement PA submitted to the City Council at the June 4th public hearing. If you’d like to join our housing committee, let us know ([email protected]).
In the weeks leading up to the June 4th City Council meeting, members of PA’s Housing Committee met one on one with several City Council members to review and discuss draft versions of the City’s five-year housing budget. After reviewing early versions for how the City proposed to spend funds generated by the Penny, Housing Committee members were concerned that the plan did not allocate enough funds to support those families and individuals in greatest need of housing in our community.
Based on recommendations from the Housing Committee, PA’s Coordinating Committee requested that the City Council increase funds in the five-year housing budget for the following areas:
- Rapid rehousing for people who are homeless. PA asked for at least $250,000 in FY 2013 and more in future years to continue this successful program.
- Affordable rental housing city-wide. PA asked that at least $500,000 in FY 2013 be dedicated to this area and that at least 50% of the Penny be used to create quality rental homes for people with special needs, including the homeless, disabled, elderly, and other very low income people at or below 50% of the Area Median Income.
- City second mortgages for builders of low-income, affordable homes.
For good accountability to taxpayers, PA also requested that the Penny be set aside with other dedicated funds in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with oversight by the Citizens Capital Improvement Panel (CCIP). PA also encouraged the City Council to involve the Durham community in developing a five-year plan for the Penny and other housing funds.
To learn more about the work of PA’s Housing Committee or read the full statement PA submitted to the City Council at the June 4th public hearing. If you’d like to join our housing committee, let us know ([email protected]).
Housing And Community Development Funds at Risk

Our PA Housing Committee is working tirelessly So ALL can call Durham Home. They need your assistance with the following urgent action item:
On Monday, May 2nd, 7pm, at City Hall, please stand with the People's Alliance Housing Committee to support the Southside Neighborhood.
We will ask City Council to fully fund services & housing to revitalize the Southside Neighborhood, along side the redevelopment of Rolling Hills. The for profit developer hired by the City will just build in Rolling Hills. Durham nonprofits will work with the SouthsideNeighborhood.
Housing, jobs, and services are needed for real transformation of Southside for the people who live there. Southside is one of three target neighborhoods. Please ask the City to complete the revitalization of Northeast Central Durham and Southwest Central Durham.
In this recession, we should increase our commitment to house the homeless and prevent homelessness throughout Durham. SIGN THE PETITION!
Contact City Council at: 560-4333 or [email protected]
Please help us get the word out and take action today!
During this recession it is imperative that Durham maintain basic services that feed the hungry, house the homeless, and improve neighborhoods.
Please ask City Council to:
1- Keep funding basic human services.
2- Maintain the same level of affordable housing production.
3- Invest in all three target areas (Southside, NECD, SWCD) and their residents.
4- Call a "Summit" to develop a funding plan to continue basic services, housing, and other critical needs.
Contact City Council TODAY [email protected] and ask them to continue funding services for residents and continue to revitalize downtown neighborhoods.
SIGN THE PETITION! (and then pass it along!)